Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Leading through with an empty heart fer now.
Finally, i have found de answer.
Yess ar!!
It's time fer me to move.
And i have a new resolution in '07.
A new life.
A better brand new ME.
awaits fer de few days to 2007.
niwae, tdae is daddy's bdae.
happiehappie bdae dad.
tmrw going bintan,indonesia.
fer 1 phetatic day.
feeling worried.
worried dat i might vomit.
i hate sea sick.
after christmas going to POrt Dickson & back to Malacca.
my aunt masning bought a new car.
it will be much-much comfortable dis tym.
hope granny wants to go too.
i'm gna use dis holiday to de-stress!!
relax and most importantly, hav fun.
yea..dats bout it.
peace out.
Lupluplup from SYAK.
Friday, November 24, 2006

Yea2..dey sucha lovely people.
Lurff dem soo muchs.
Till we meet again.
Niwe, de picture is abit blurr but its ok.
Its captured on a handphone.
De one on de camera i have yet to upload.
Khairul Anwar was from Tekong fer BMT.
Dat's why he soo dark.
Kalah Aizat..hahas.
Ashmir plak..cute!!
He's de cutey2 small guy in pink.
Nice voice ashmir.i lyke u!
Imran Ajmain..haiz..dat tall guy!
Oklah he..friendly but kinda menyebok kat sane.
Mane2 ade jerr dier.
Niwe, it was fun chill n talk with 'em.
Tkecre peeps!! =)
_Lupluplup from SYAK.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I went to Salam Lebaran at Yew Tee CC.
It was organized by budak2 youth.
Partly..budak KERIS. Yea!!
U people rawks..luv'ya. =)
Some pics taken there..check it out:
Budak2 ULAN frm Sembawang.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Here's some of de pics taken:

It's ME and my mum. sweets
thanx mum fer coming dwn all de way to support me on de runway..
ure de best.. luv'ya more than anyting.. muaaacckx!!
C'mon people be proud of us. hahs. feeling.
Its de experience dat counts. we did had fun.
P.O.G is there!!
Yea..veriee supportive huh..
Thnx people. muackx
It's IS, LIND and ME!!
*feeling mautzz seyy..*
[[at expo..]]
That's all folkS!! =)
_lupluplup from SYAK.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Thanks to whoever bigg-mouth that blurt out to de rest.
Well-well. How did i spent my birthday..
03 November 2006??
It was a simple yet a sentimental birthday for me
The "birthday song" that has been playing through my ears
Was my most favourite song throughout my life.
Here it goewss..
Brown Eyes
Remember the first day
When I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stepped to me and then you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house
Remember the first day that you took me out
We had butterflies although we tried to hide it
And we both had a beautiful night
The way we held each others hand
The way you talked the way we laughed
It felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
Remember the first day we had an argument
We apologised, and then we cover up our eyes
And we haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games
Remember the first day you fell in love with me
If felt so good
For you to say those words
Cause I felt the same way to
The way we held each other hands
The way you talked the way we laughed
It felt so good to fall in love
I knew right then and there you were the one
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
Yea!! Happy Happy Birthday!! To ME!! Muackzz.
Let me recall the day on my birthday...
As midnight comes, my patient 007 wish me happy birthday.
Followed by, my dear friend, Icham. [[not IS ehh..]]
As dawn comes, my huney Sasha wish me next.
As morning comes, my daddy, mummy and brother wishes me.
Then, came aynn.
And, it when on and on till de last 5 mins before the next midnite comes.
In de morning, when i waited Linds at de bustop.
She gave me a suprise.
She ask me to close my eyes, and held my hands out.
Then, she gave me this sweeet flower and a sweet cake.
Thanks LIND!! =)
Then, i went fer EVM lesson then went fer de entrepreneur talk.
De rest of de P.O.G alreadi went fer jalan raye.
After skol, then i joined them.
It was a great experience going out jalan raye with them.
I reached home at 2plus in de morning.
No, actually 3plus.
Luckily, my dad finished work alreadi.
So he fetched us home.
But sorry, to Fiz and Wani.
Cos my dad can't send u both straight to ur homeys.
After my dad sent de last person, IS, home.
We went for a car-wash at wdlnds.
Wait! izzit wdlnds?? hrmph..
I think larh.
Its night so dah blUr2. hahs.
Well. then i went hum and take a shower.
Check my mobile.
Open up my prezzies and then i went to sleep.
BiGG thanks to each and everyone fer de prezzies.
And also P.O.G,
Fer de wonderfUll hari raya outing.
Appreciate 'em lotS!
Yea baby..yeahh..
That's what happened on 03 November 2006.
The END.
07 November 2006
my picture adapted frm my buddy: bloody-bloopers!
[u noe urself,thnx BOY.]
_Lupluplup frm SYAK.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's been sucha long time since i blog...
Yea..i know many people commented the same thang.
But, well...i don't have any net at home so i can't possibly update.
Very well. sad rite.
But well, i just gotta be patient if i want sumting.
So once i collected enuff money, i'm sure gonna to fix net at hum.
Now, let's talk bout Hari Raya.
My Hari Raya was alhamdulillah, okeryghh.
Everything when smoothly.
De best thing has always been the night of Hari Raya.
Cos its de most solumn nite fer me.
I no longer get to feel de wartmth of my dear late brother, abg saifuddin.
Cos he's gone back to where he is.
Then it's de nite when i start to reminisce of the lost ones.
De people hu had left me one by one.
Day by day.
So takbir Hari Raya was de best thing fer me.
yea..i'm now in skol.
N p.o.g is having tag war now.
its so fun.
im outs.
_lupluplup frm syak
Monday, September 11, 2006
Haluuu people...
I learnt new word today!
It's "BUKAKE".
The word has two meanings.
One is "heheh..cannot tell" the other is "come to my face".
Yeah..weird right the meaning.
I know.
Hafiz and Is taught me.
Aniwae, today is the 5th anniversary of the September 11.
Today is de IMF.
I'm sooo proud of Singapore!!!
She is the host of the world bank meeting.
Rite now i'm at de library..
Is Hairahnizah Bin Sulaiman
Mohammed Hafizah Bin Mohammed Amin
Nurul Ameerah Hassaanah Bin Yazid
Ana Gerl Roxy Chic Binte Mustafa
No anne sup my niza Binte Hassan
Syazwadeeh Binte Ahari
they are contaminating my mind, body and soul.
Oklarkh..i got nothing else to say alreadi.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Today I took a cab to school.
I was late. Damn!
Yea. I burned de midnite oil last nite.
The taxi driver got no small change.
I got to go to de office.
This makcik lend me 10 bucks.
Thanks to her that i got to pay my fare.
I went to class with IS.
The paper has already started.
It was quite easy but as i go on doing it.
I find that it is quite complicated.
It needs a lot of brain-cracking.
By de end of de paper, i was dissappointed.
I didn't managed to balance the Bank Recon.
(SOB into tears..)
Just now celebrated advance Teachers' Day.
It was quite okay.
But a misunderstanding happened.
Well, i just don't like this kinda thing to happened.
Without being resolved.
As after all we are in the same class.
Some people might be irritating and full with attitude.
But we can't possibly put all de blame to de person.
That's very bad!
I just need to say that sometimes we need to know.
When we should be seroius and when we should not.
Cos not every matter or evrything is meant as a joke.
I'm just pissed off by that.
There's time to be serious and time to play and laugh.
Hope you all understand.
I'm not that pissed, but upset actually.
That's all i wish to say and be frank.
Today I went out with Kin, Zai and Zul.
I was most looking forward of meeting Kin, of course!
She's the sweety-sweety girl whom I love.
I was sick but didn't want to disappoint them so I go with the flow.
Unexpectedly, Kin and Zai wore blue while I and Zul wore black.
Well, it's just a coincidence anyway.
I realized these two guys are getting very metro sexual.
As in capital "V", Very.
Zai actually puts on too much powder.
Zul actually puts on too much eyeliner.
What happened to both of you?
Well, I was sick and too "gunduu" to think.
I was late.
I forgot to bring ez-link.
I forgot to bring Kin's birthday prezzie again.
Not again!
I'm so sowrie blueberry Kin.
We went to Lau Pa Sat to eat.
We ate satay!!
Chicken, mutton, beef and duck.
The rest of them also ate western food.
The sumptuous meal goes to Kin and Zai.
Thanks lolly-lolly lots to both of ya!
For treating me.
After our meal, we decided to go to Fullerton Hotel.
Unfortunately, Zul and I gave Zai a wrong direction.
I didn't know that you actually have a good sense of direction.
I'm sorry for not trusting your capability.
So we decided to take a bus and go to town instead.
We waited for the bus while talking.
I felt weird as we waited for the bus.
No bus appears for about 20mins.
I check the bus directory.
The bus that goes to town ends at 1400hrs.
In the end, we walked to Raffles Place.
And we sat at the Boat Quay.
I saw many and lots of birdie there.
Small ones and one huge one which is made of bronze.
It's actually a sculpture.
And I'm really fascinated by it as it is really nice.
What a cute little birdie.
We sat there and have a chat.
Sitting there wasn't a bad idea actually.
Once again, Syafiqah took over the day.
With her stupid lame jokes and fact stories.
Especially about her horny cat.
I got separate from them at 8pm.
To attend something functional at Simei.
Then I went to see my mum to collect her award also.
At CCK, opposite Lot 1.
It was her 5yrs in serving the community award.
She received a certificate which is already framed.
I'm so proud of you mommy!!
Then I enjoyed the variety show.
I enjoyed the Dona Daniels show the best.
She is a one hot mama who came from Australia.
She migrated to Singapore and she is proud to be us.
She can speak Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, English, and Hindustani.
I'm impressed.
Her show was highly rated.
She was funny and very sexy during her show.
I saw many "Chi Ko Peks" smile from ear to ear when looking at her.
This Dona Daniels is somehow disgusting.
She actually wipes her sweat with her handkerchief.
Then she kept the handkerchief in her cleavage.
And continue wiping her sweat and her viewer's sweat too.
Disgusting right.
Next on the list was the lucky draw.
It was very unexpecting.
I won a bicycle.
A small bicycle I mean.
I gave it to my younger cousin as an advanced birthday prezzie.
I was too big for the bicycle.
Overall, my day was fun and enjoyable.
Didn't expect my Saturday to turn out this way.
Well, it was my "gunduu" day initially.
But by the end of the day, I was wrong.
Hope I could meet Kin again so I can give her prezzie.
Anyway, I pray that Zai will go on smoothly.
Be tough on going through the walks of life.
Though some of it may be rocky, well, that's life.
I'm glad that you're now in contact with your dad.
May happiness be with you always. Insyaallah.
To my little sweety Kin.
I hope you study well for the upcoming papers.
We're taking the same paper. Yey!
But in different institutes though.
I wish you well in everything you do.
May it be in love or studies.
If got "lobang" on part-times, bip me alrites?
And, don't forget this cutey Fiqah! Hehehehe.
To Zul.
Well, I'm glad that you have changed.
May it be physical or mentally.
Hope you have really sorted out what you really want to do.
And, may success come through your way.
Maybe I might not be the Syafiqah that you know in the past.
But well, I'm still here as a friend of yours no matter what.
Heard you finding a job soon?
All the best then!
Once you got your pay, don't forget to treat me hurh...?
Nehh, kidding only.
May happiness flow through your life consistently.
LupLupLup from Syafiqah.muackx
I'm here again
Bored with nothing to do
Yes, I'm sick
So sick that I can't rhyme properly
The rest ignite the flowers to get rid of me
What's wrong with me?
I asked myself from time to time
Feel like taking a stroll by the sea
Just to peace the dizzy mind of me
I'm feeling down
Because you have yet to sound
For a moment, I miss your touch
And I miss you so much
I don't want to make myself sad
Hope my tears will soon be over
With my conscience clear for a new life ahead
We are the one who let each other go
Sets each other free
Time alone will make you see
How deep my love could be
I hope you know it's never too late
Surrender my soul
Because you're always keeping me waiting and anticipation
Till the day I find love once again
I won't give up while there's a glimmer
Of a chance
A dream that's never ending
Inviting love and a perfect romance
You're burning my passion
Can you see that you're my destiny?
But the message that I'm receiving
Is that you're through with me
But I will be there
Even though you don't care
How could you forget the times we shared?
Don't ever throw the love away...
Specially created,
By the emo_syak in the deep ocean...
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
my blog is up.
but its too pinky.
i know i love pink.
but that is definitely too pinky.
aniwae, thanks.
i nid a change of skin.
and still need to do lots of polishing on it.
today was a boring day for me.
i have no mood to study.
rite now im at SR3.
its AFD lesson.
i only do 2 out of 3 questions.
damn syak!
u're getting lazy.
can't wait fer class to finish.
wanna go to de library after this.
to do BFD revision.
its tym fer me to wake-up.
i'm slacking.
as i'm starting to love the subjects.
the lazier i get.
hey! it goes the same to kin.
yest. i msg her.
glad to hear that she's fine.
she actually talk to hady mirza last sun!
hmm..still considering bout meeting her this sat.
duno if i'm free or not.
well, class is finishing.
got to go now..
...huggs & kisses.