A day to be remembered.On the morning of 10th June 2008, met H07 or rather just the 7 @ HabourFront.
It was supposed to be a class outing outing.
But guess what?
Only Me, Fiona, Mummy, Mimi, Liting, Ahlian & JiaHuan came.
Sadly, I have to leave at 230pm.
I didn't want to though but I have to because my Tuesday was booked 1-2 months back.
Really sorry for not spending much time with you all.
But I still enjoy the fun & laughter we had!
Didn't regret coming down even if its for while only :(
Here are some pics:

At VivoCity(:

In the Sentosa Train(:
Me & my Ahlian sister(:

At Siloso & I look like aunty having picnic. Gosh! (:

So happy to see them all smiles! (:

& Wet (:
I'm truly sorry but I really have to go off early..
To celebrate my 11th monthsary with Baby.
Which had been all planned, booked tralalalaa.
Yes, I chose 10th to celebrate my monthsary.
Because baby had no school on Tuesday.
Well, thank god everything when off smoothly during our date.
It's been a long time since we date out! Haha.
So first we walked around Vivo aimlessly; chit-chatting.
Next we ride off to Marina Square.
While making our way there, we were stucked at ERP near Marina!
Me: What should we do now? Wait till the ERP is over? It's a one-way road. No turning back!
Baby: It's okay. It's okay. Don't worry. There will always be a way.
The next thing I knew, we were heading backwards, LOL.
It was very funny I tell you!
One-way road & these gundus on the bike heading backwards.
All thanks to baby for not fixing the IU unit.
But nevermind, he made the day much interesting.
After heading backwards & backwards.
We finally managed to get to a proper direction road to head.
Baby were very confident to head straight & the next thing i know..
We were at a construction site where IR is under construction.
I can see a lot of construction workers looking at us weirdly.
Wondering what these two are doing there! Haha.
Okayy. Enough of the stupidity, we finally managed to escape and escape from ERP..
& we ended up in Bugis.
We gave up, park the bike at Bugis & took the train to Ct Hall instead.
We went to ate at Breeks!
It was super yummmmmy(:
Next we head off to Suntec to just walk around & play daytona.
Then I wanted to tricked baby to a dessert place.
So I said Toy R Us now got sell dessert; very nice!
We walked & search for Toy R Us.
When we are about to reached, we heard "Pssst pssst pssst pssssssssst.."
Guess what!
I didnt saw Taufiq batisah or what but I saw Hafiz, Eric & Ameer.
I was freaking happy lahh!
We talked for awhile & I really miss them!
When they left with their colleagues,
I brought baby to cottage waffles.
Yes, cottage waffles is the place not Toy R Us.
We had our dessert there with Ice Latte. Yummmmy(:
We ride back to CCK.
At night, we watched mooovie at Lot1.
We watched KungFu Panda!
It's a MUST-WATCH movie(:
Very goood lahhh; i like.
Overall, I had a very wonderful day.
It was a nice break from school;like finally.
Starting from now on, I'm busy with Drama training already.
Everyday come school @ 630pm.
But its okayy, saturday is my performance.
My 1st time acting in Tp!
wooots. So can't wait.
&& this saturday, POG is finally going out..
I hope you guys will wait for me :(((
Cos my performance ends @ 6pm.
Wait for me kaysss? Thankiuuuukkkk!
Miss you guys sooo muchyyy!!