Thursday, January 24, 2008
I went for a "job training".
Ended up walking around stupid & confusing T3.
(Sorry for raising my voice at you at T3, didn't mean to..)
And morning breakfast with dearest Md Azmi.
At T2 Macdonalds.
Double Gerek, tell youu! (:
Let's start off with BASIC dining manners!
No more milk, simply add FREE tea! Teh-susu!
Excuse the expression; he's hungry.
And, Thank you baby for the wonderFULLEST breakfast!
Anyway, Case Study Project is DONE; except for the presentation.
Next, Event Project; coming right up! Weeeeee..
- Ecstatic -
Reason being; my recent doctor check-up.
Result shows that i lost my weight.
Yupp-pi-diee-dooo. ((:
Haha; of course results are not clearly seen.
But well; satisfaction is for myself and love ones, not others.
I'm recovering from those tummy sickness; thank god.
Flatulency is still there but hopefully it will slowly be gone.
And I will be a strong and healthy person again, insyaallah.
"Thank you family and esp. Md Azmi for being there for me,
throughout my painful times when my sickness strikes."
I don't know why; somehow I miss youuuuuuuu.
Urghh. I miss my Fish plus that little Lulu.
I miss spending reaL quality time with them.
I truly do; esp my HI; I love them for who they are.
They are just loyal and not hypocrites.
I know! I know!
You must be Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yes, I'm crazy but crazy missing youuuuuuuuu.
(I hope you know, know, know.)
I wouldn't want to lose youuuuu. (:
PS: I hope you pass prac 8 tonight!! and you did.
hahaha; congrats you & ismeth!!
Baby, remember the deal/promise we made today?
I hope we can stick on to it.
I'm sure we will; god willing.
We set our target.
So I hope we can achieve it.
I know we can right??
ilu. imu. isu. ((:
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Okay here you go! (;
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Apart from the good news,
But still as long as responsibilty is on my shoulder
I am almost done in deciding which course I am taking in future Poly
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic, Hijrah calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months about which Allah says, “The number of months in the sight of Allah are twelve (in a year). So ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; Of them four are sacred: That is the right religion. So wrong not yourselves therein.”
(At-Tawbah: 36)
"Hope you have recited your year-end & beginning of year prayers.."
New Year Resolutions are set.
** Dearest god, in this New Year i prayed..
★ 090108 ★
When life tends to get shorter
I start to agonize
The sickness that I’ve been going through
Day by day
Make me start to realize more
I don’t blame anyone, not even god
For the situation that I’m through
I accepted them willingly with my open hands
Furthermore, people who appreciates me
Tends to show more of their care towards me
But sadly, not all though
I am having the feeling of losing my friends slowly
And all these are ripping me off
Still, I stand strong
Carve a smile on my face
Face my reality
And moved on…
Today marks my 6th MONTHSARY with dearest boyfriend, Md Azmi.
My day has been quite appalling today
With the addition of the cough and bad flu virus infected me
I just cannot wait to reach home
Not to my expectation.
I saw my boyfriend the moment I alighted from the bus
Overwhelming of contentment overcomes everything immediately
Thank you for the wonderful surprise and surprises u gave me
You make my today awesome baby! (:
PS: Ayn and Lind, thanks!
Friday, January 04, 2008
My dearest Mommy brought me for a suprise shopping spree. So we headed off to Orchard Road, Wisma Atria (:
From Mango, Levis, Topshop, Cotton On, Joops, Isetan, Sasa. Whooo!
I felt so pampered. Thank you dearest Mommy. Of course, we were great sale shopper. And Mommy, chose most of the clothes for me.
It's been a while since I felt this way. Can I say It's been 3 years?
Oh god, i was so suprised and over the top yesterday. In addition to the excitement, Mommy got shopping vouchers which she didn't tell me!! *hMpffss* But it's ok, it was a suprise anyway. Hehe. So most of the items bought are paid by vouchers. And how do I put it..99% of stuffs bought yesterday, are mine! (;
Thanks again Mommy. I love you. Well, besides the shopping, we went for light dinner and had a long chat. She said I deserved all the pamperation as it's been a long time since I had one. Yeaaah, all because of "so much stuffs happened plus plus prolonged problems". But still, I managed to put a big smile and face the reality openly and showed that everythings fine.
So besides all these, i thank god also for what i have today.
Not to forget. . .
The presence of my boyfriend now also adds shine to everything in my life. I wouldn't want to trade anything for him (;
5 days to go baby. . .
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
The first post for 2008 going to be a looong one, hopefully not though.
27th December 2007,
And yes, p.o.g sentosa outing was a grand!
We had double and triplicious FUN.
With mr boyfriend, tagging along.
Overall, i love the bonding we had there.
We play games, swim, chat and enjoyed ourselves.
Looking forward towards our next activity, chalet! (;
30th December 2007,
One of the most memorable day in my life,
My brother is finally ENGAGED to kak Hajar!
I, being the sister, is super excited of course.
Congratulations Abg Yan! (;
and thank you for those who send their wishes to my bro.
and sorry, for not inviting, it was just a private occasion.
boyfriend, i invited you but u didn't attend!
Here's a few pics to share the occasion with you.
Tissot Cheap-Cheap Watch.
Chocolate Cupcakes with my brother's Motor design.
Congrats brother!!
31st December 2007,
Dearest sis wani's birthday!
Happy birththday dearest youuuu! (;
In addition,
it was a great last day of the year for me.
My cousins and I decided to go out and watch fireworks.
Not to countdown, but merely a gathering for us all.
Because there is nothing to countdown and celebrate.
As a muslim, January is not my new year you see, hehs.
My dearest Md Azmi came to a final decision to join me.
And I was in high spirits of course.
So it was his 1st time but it turns out well...
As everywhere tends to be packed with people,
We, cousins and all take away food and drinks from Marina Sq.
And settle down with a mat outside Marina Sq.
Me & boyfriend when to check out situation at Esplanade.
But it was super pack!
Then we went to Mrs Field as I was craving for their cookies!!
And thank you mr boyfriend for purchasing them.
Went back to where we're supposed to be.
And then all the guys when for their prayers, for an hour.
I don't know why they took so much time.
When most of them don't know each other, haha.
More cousins came in with partners.
And abg Faizal's gf, kak Shahida, started off with alot of games.
It was super brain wrecked for that night.
My brother and fiancee came in later and joined us.
The night was filled with lots of fun & laughter.
It was a great bonding indeed.
We waited for fireworks to start off.
And mr boyfriend, was the countdown timer for fireworks.
My brother and fiancee went super sale shopping,without ME!
Bomberman challenge on PSP was awesome!
I love the night at Marina Sq with all the companions.
The night is still young for US.
After fireworks, we went for supper at Sembawang Al-Ameen.
Yussof, Zahra's bf left us to attend other things.
While the rest rush through the crowds to get to individuals' transport.
Some park at Newton, Marina and Suntec.
I'm boarding kak Shahida's car so I have to take mrt to Newton.
It was very warm and we're packed like a group of achovies!
Boyfriend ride Abg Faizal's car with some of my other cousins.
Reached Sembawang, got to know my brother's motor got problem.
So the SuperFour was left behind at Holland.
Abg Zul joined us after that.
And we had a great sleepy super! (;
Thanks to my brother who treated the 15 of us.
We took our last pics of the day.
Cheers to the ladies and guys present there.
Boyfriend took Black Kr home, safely sent by Hassan, cousin's bf.
HEHE, thank you Hassan! (;
We were all separated.
Some board cars others ride their motorbikes.
Cool huhh.
Most of us reached home at 4am plus in the morning.
I had a wonderful day i must say!
No calls from parents for coming home late or what-so-ever.
Mum knows Azmi was there and it was all fine.
Boyfriend, Md Azmi, i love you!!
You're my greatest boyfriend ever!
Thank you for fitting in with my family, friends and cousins.
Mmm..Muaackssss!! (;
Overall, my 31st December till 1st January was GREAT.
And sayang, 2 more days till your RTT.
A few more weeks later will be your TP test.
Then, the born of a new baby.
And soon we'll be riding on the road, god willing.
I pray to god to give you the best guidance.
And help easen your burden going through it all.
All the best sayang, chia you!!
And 9 more days to our happiest day again. . .
I miss Nur Farhana Binte Mustafa.
Udah lama tak keluar dgn dier.
And school is opening soon, wohoooo!
I can meet friends but dread boring to attend classes.
Heeeeeeeeeeee (;