to all my muslim brothers and sisters (:
(Happy Lunar New Year!)
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic, Hijrah calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months about which Allah says, “The number of months in the sight of Allah are twelve (in a year). So ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; Of them four are sacred: That is the right religion. So wrong not yourselves therein.”
(At-Tawbah: 36)
"Hope you have recited your year-end & beginning of year prayers.."
New Year Resolutions are set.
One of it, is to be a better Muslim of course.
The rest is up to me to make them fulfill, god willing.
** Dearest god, in this New Year i prayed..
May all of my friends, includes Eric, are freed from evil acts
and may they are blessed with great happiness at all times. Amin. **
★ 090108 ★
When life tends to get shorter
I start to agonize
The sickness that I’ve been going through
Day by day
Make me start to realize more
I don’t blame anyone, not even god
For the situation that I’m through
I accepted them willingly with my open hands
Furthermore, people who appreciates me
Tends to show more of their care towards me
But sadly, not all though
I am having the feeling of losing my friends slowly
And all these are ripping me off
Still, I stand strong
Carve a smile on my face
Face my reality
And moved on…
Today marks my 6th MONTHSARY with dearest boyfriend, Md Azmi.
My day has been quite appalling today
With the addition of the cough and bad flu virus infected me
I just cannot wait to reach home
Not to my expectation.
I saw my boyfriend the moment I alighted from the bus
Overwhelming of contentment overcomes everything immediately
Thank you for the wonderful surprise and surprises u gave me
You make my today awesome baby! (:
PS: Ayn and Lind, thanks!
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