Yesterday, I wasted my time, money & effort to attend a 1hour POM 1st lecture at 2pm. It was supposed to end at 4pm but it ended early. *Sighs* Then we can head back home. CCK to TP and then TP back to CCK again. How great!
Today's school was way better except for the morning heavy traffic at SLE & TPE. Dad sent me to school and it supposed to be way faster than me taking public transport unfortunately because of the very bad traffic jam, i was 15minutes late for my lecture. It's okay! No attendance taken for lectures so i'm safe! *grins*
My 1st F&B Fundamentals lecture - I have to say that this module is similar to my F&N back during my secondary school days except that this is even more "chim" and of course, interesting(;
My 1st Tutorial of the week - Communication Skills. The whole class went to the wrong class and ended up being told off by our stern lecturer badly. "Like hello? It's our 1st tutorial. Take it easy..." But No, she confessed that she was not a lenient lecturer so whatever! Haha. Anyway Comm Skills is like BCM back in ITE. And yes! I hate it because I have to write reports, write resume, write write write so much things! And I admit my English is not good as compared to the rest of my classmates whom Eng was A1-B3. Gosh! Its alright..I will slowly catch up as Comm Skills teach me how to pronouce words correctly, things like that. Lame but haha, benefit me in the career world to come.. (;
Not only that! **To P.O.G - I will master to pronounce words like Milk & Building properly okayyy..hahahahaha.
Highlights for today: Baby skipped AutoCad class and meet me after my class ended. Initial plan was to go for lunch at MarryBrown which is near TP unfortunately, it has close down & turned into KFC now. So Baby brought me to Ramen Ten!! *happy to the max* We had Ramen, Udon & Esprits Drinks. We also had Sushi for take aways. As usual, we selected those yummy2 sushi that we like, with wasabi & soy sauce. *heaven* Then we challenged daytona & sat at a corner and battled psp games together (our favourite past-time!) and I WON! I WON! Haha. Then at 530, we took train and off he went to work and me head home sweet home. Thanks Baby for the treat & the day! ♥ ♥
ps: aku masih sayang *heee*
And And, thanks to my classmate, Issabelle.
Now I have a new nick name called *FiFi* hahahahha (;
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
2days of TP's freshmen' orientation was a Blast! Well, it supposed to be. Except that I find that I was not able to fit-in hyper-ly into my class which is 1H07. FYI, my class only has 3 malay girls (includes me), Zaferin & Amira and 1 malay boy, Sharmen. The rest are chinese. Easily said, hospitality malay students can easily count. Back abt my class, geeeee. Blardy quiet! This was my worst orientation ever! O_O luckily, today my class was much better.
Just now started off with HTM Course Mgr briefing us about the course in auditorium. Then we proceed to our tutorial class and meet my care person, Dr Aloy Lee. A cute care person i must say! We received our handbook & most importantly, time-table! H07 suddenly were on high spirits because - we have no class on thursday! And the only time we end school late is on weds. This is going to be fun. Plus next monday - no tutorials, only come for POM lecture. Thanks lah!
All my classes starts at 9am. *Pheww! 830am orientation is already a torture for me, but hey! I was not late u know! Miracle right P.O.G? haha. Sadly, I am 2nd oldest in class. The oldest one is this A levels student,Don, who is currently 21yrs. Well, nvm. At least we can apply for exemption for certain subjects!!!!! As for me, I'm going to apply exemption for POA, OFA & AOFA. Thank god. (;
Orientation - we had Olympias (games), TP Raggata (dragon boat) & cheer competion. Overall champion goes to Business School. And we had been holding on to the champion trophy for 4 consecutive years. ~Wootts. We compete against Applied Science, Design, Humanities, IT & Engineering School. & thanks to Bedok Reservoir near to our school for us to held the event and do water sports there. Heess.
Lastly, I can't wait to attend my tutorials & lectures! Hopefully everything will run smoothly & of course I want to achieve Diploma of Merit. So *jia you! Oh ya! How i wish I had P.O.G as my classmates again! They seriously rock and shall always remain in my heart. P.O.G! Come join my class k?? *hee*
Just now started off with HTM Course Mgr briefing us about the course in auditorium. Then we proceed to our tutorial class and meet my care person, Dr Aloy Lee. A cute care person i must say! We received our handbook & most importantly, time-table! H07 suddenly were on high spirits because - we have no class on thursday! And the only time we end school late is on weds. This is going to be fun. Plus next monday - no tutorials, only come for POM lecture. Thanks lah!
All my classes starts at 9am. *Pheww! 830am orientation is already a torture for me, but hey! I was not late u know! Miracle right P.O.G? haha. Sadly, I am 2nd oldest in class. The oldest one is this A levels student,Don, who is currently 21yrs. Well, nvm. At least we can apply for exemption for certain subjects!!!!! As for me, I'm going to apply exemption for POA, OFA & AOFA. Thank god. (;
Orientation - we had Olympias (games), TP Raggata (dragon boat) & cheer competion. Overall champion goes to Business School. And we had been holding on to the champion trophy for 4 consecutive years. ~Wootts. We compete against Applied Science, Design, Humanities, IT & Engineering School. & thanks to Bedok Reservoir near to our school for us to held the event and do water sports there. Heess.
Lastly, I can't wait to attend my tutorials & lectures! Hopefully everything will run smoothly & of course I want to achieve Diploma of Merit. So *jia you! Oh ya! How i wish I had P.O.G as my classmates again! They seriously rock and shall always remain in my heart. P.O.G! Come join my class k?? *hee*
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Don't read if you don't have the time (;
10th April 2008 - Credits to Ayn & Fana, for sparing their precious time accompanying me all the way to TP just to collect my size C4 brown enrolment package. Then the Tao Nan, i mean Tong Seng (opppss!) for a hearty meal. Fana & Ayn were really famished so they had Siew Mai & You Char Kuay as side dishes too. Next stop, was Bugis window shopping then headed home. Thank you girls for the day (;
12th April 2008 - & my 2weeks planned suprise date was cancelled. I was displeased with myself for making this decision as my hard sweat planned date did not happen. But its alright, i don't mind cancelling it for the benefits of my dearest md azmi to have plenty of rest recovering from HFMD. *shESH!
13th April 2008 - Got to mark a note on my calender on this date. Because. Guess what?? I went out on a "date" with a special petite friend of mine named, Aslinda. Yeaaaahh, we tavelled all the way to Tai Seng to be the "Kiasuss" Singaporeans to check out the Charles & Keith Warehouse Sale. Seeing her from the FAR opposite side of the road, made me carve a smile on my face as it's always great to meet this lady. *fast forward*
Lind bought a pair of sandals and I get nothing out from the Sale. Mainly because the vintage sandals that me and Lind wanted did not have our sizes and what was left on the tables are mostly heels, so-common-shoes or sandals with sizes 5 or 6. So Damn It!
Next we went to Bedok to meet another lovely girlfriend, Ilah. & there she goes, the moment she stepped out of the lift, she was smiling from ear-to-ear. So glad to meet her. After passing MP4 to Lind, we went to bedok shops there. Ilah treated us to Choc Waffle & Bubble Tea. Thanks! Should drop by Bedok and meet Ilah often. Right Linds? gagagaga. We had a great short time spent and talking together. I appreciate the time I had with Lind & Ilah (;
Today - Finally, all my documents mailed to TP! One stress off, seriously, there is so much to do for enrolment. I met my baby just now for awhile to do a short-search for our slippers & had lunch at KFC. Yey! He has fully recovered, yipeee(; Time was fast, and at 5.30pm he already need to head off to work. *sobs*sobs* So bid a lovely goodbye!
School's orientation will be in 2 freaakinggg days & i'm nervous! Not joking. In addition, what made me be in low spirit is that I'm sickkkk. Sighss. I hate being sick & i think everyone in the house is sick now. I need a fresher air to breathe!
Hope everyone's doing fine esp my dearest P.O.G. I miss you all.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm engrossed with tonight's match. As predicted before match, I would say it's going to be 2-1. And hopefully it's true! 15minutes to go..
I'm super excited for the final scores. Man-U all the way! And I'm going to have a small competition with baby when Man-u meets Chealsea. Too bad! Huhu. O_O
I'm super excited for the final scores. Man-U all the way! And I'm going to have a small competition with baby when Man-u meets Chealsea. Too bad! Huhu. O_O
Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's my 9th monthsary yesterday.
Dropped by Ubi to suprise the sick, sleeping baby.
And that was part of my gift;
made with love for my Baby (;
And that was part of my gift;
made with love for my Baby (;
Baby is currently sick so he's feeling lethargic.
He was diagnosed with mild HFMD.
All he needs now is plenty of rest.
Get well soon md azmi!
He was diagnosed with mild HFMD.
All he needs now is plenty of rest.
Get well soon md azmi!
More Updates!
Besides my outstanding ITE results,
my Polytechnic application was also successful!
And i got into TP business school - DHTM.
I'm going to collect my enrolment pack tomorrow.
School opening only on 21st April (;
I'm freaking nervous.
I'm going to collect my enrolment pack tomorrow.
School opening only on 21st April (;
I'm freaking nervous.
Currently, life has been an average.
Because my holidays - bore me to death.
Hopefully things gets better when school opens.
Because my holidays - bore me to death.
Hopefully things gets better when school opens.
I've decided to get into Sports for my CCA.
Probably back to Touch Rugby.
Still deciding.. O_O
And guess what???!!
I'm still job-less; how cool is that!
I'm blardy frustrated about being job-less.
I need more $kechings$ for Poly.
Urgh. When will lady-luck be on my side?
I'm blardy frustrated about being job-less.
I need more $kechings$ for Poly.
Urgh. When will lady-luck be on my side?

♥ ♥ Thank you for being there with me all the time;
mentally, physically & emotionally (;
Even throughout those hardest times.
Muhammad Azmi; no other guy could replace you.
You are a gift from God; special & unique.
I shall always be your lucky babygirl.
Lovey-dovey-youuuuu. ♥ ♥
"May Allah continue to guide us to the right path;
& insyaallah we will always be blessed with love & happiness.."
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