It's my 9th monthsary yesterday.
Dropped by Ubi to suprise the sick, sleeping baby.
And that was part of my gift;
made with love for my Baby (;
And that was part of my gift;
made with love for my Baby (;
Baby is currently sick so he's feeling lethargic.
He was diagnosed with mild HFMD.
All he needs now is plenty of rest.
Get well soon md azmi!
He was diagnosed with mild HFMD.
All he needs now is plenty of rest.
Get well soon md azmi!
More Updates!
Besides my outstanding ITE results,
my Polytechnic application was also successful!
And i got into TP business school - DHTM.
I'm going to collect my enrolment pack tomorrow.
School opening only on 21st April (;
I'm freaking nervous.
I'm going to collect my enrolment pack tomorrow.
School opening only on 21st April (;
I'm freaking nervous.
Currently, life has been an average.
Because my holidays - bore me to death.
Hopefully things gets better when school opens.
Because my holidays - bore me to death.
Hopefully things gets better when school opens.
I've decided to get into Sports for my CCA.
Probably back to Touch Rugby.
Still deciding.. O_O
And guess what???!!
I'm still job-less; how cool is that!
I'm blardy frustrated about being job-less.
I need more $kechings$ for Poly.
Urgh. When will lady-luck be on my side?
I'm blardy frustrated about being job-less.
I need more $kechings$ for Poly.
Urgh. When will lady-luck be on my side?

♥ ♥ Thank you for being there with me all the time;
mentally, physically & emotionally (;
Even throughout those hardest times.
Muhammad Azmi; no other guy could replace you.
You are a gift from God; special & unique.
I shall always be your lucky babygirl.
Lovey-dovey-youuuuu. ♥ ♥
"May Allah continue to guide us to the right path;
& insyaallah we will always be blessed with love & happiness.."
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