I ain't just feeling sick.
I am sick!
& I hate being sick;trust me.
I hate going to the doctor!
Waste of time & money.
And this time I am really sick.
I need to visit the doctor twice within 1 week.
Because my temp rises to 38.4 & my throat getting worst -.-
I got throat infection and my throat is swelling.
(See laaa talk soo much summore!)
Now, want to talk much, throat felt so painful.
And i can't breathe properly cos windpipe blockage.
I went huuuu haaaa huuu haaa.
Gasping for air.
And people thought I got asthma. lol.
It's such a bore to sit a home.
It's such a bore to sit a home.
Eat porridge for the past few days and eat medicine regularly.
Till i get so drowsy & suddenly Zzzzz.
Okayyy, i miss H07. & p.og.
Okayyy, i miss H07. & p.og.
Most importantly, my precious babyyyy.lol.
Loong time never see you horrr!
Okayy.need to rest while fininshing up school work.
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